Read what people are saying about Mickey

"If you want to tap into your full potential and start really achieving what you are capable of in your life, then you must read this book. Mickey has cracked the code of what it takes to get you to play your "A" game on a consistent basis."
Machen MacDonald
#1 Bestselling Author, Provoking Your Brilliance
Founder Pro Brilliance Leadership Institute.

"Mickey Straub has written a good book on how to accomplish BIG GOALS... Short Deadlines with a patriotic and spiritual message. Read the book carefully and you will gain insight into some of the success strategies needed to achieve your goals. Remember to "measure and monitor what matters most."
Garry D. Kinder
Chief Executive Officer
Kinder Brothers International

"This book is exactly what more Americans need today: good common sense ideas they can use."
Steven J. Fedewa
Vice President
Knights of Columbus"